Showing: 1 - 5 of 9 RESULTS

Rollin’ Down the Rivers

Chicago to Grand Rivers, Kentucky With relatively narrow waterways, heavy commercial traffic, often restricted vistas, and a more industrial feel, cruising the inland rivers of the U.S. has been an interesting experience. This was particularly true for the 218 mile section we traveled on the Mississippi River. Highly influenced by human intervention through dams, locks and …


A Visit to Mackinac Island and Cruising Lake Michigan to Chicago

From Sault Sainte Marie we travelled down the main shipping channel of the Saint Mary’s River to return to Lake Huron near its western end, a distance of about 50 miles. It was then a turn to the west, and roughly another 50 miles to Mackinac (pronounced mac-in-aw) Island, which is located in the Straits …


Lake Huron, Part II – North Channel (Killarney to Sault Sainte Marie)

The next section of our cruise, called the North Channel, is considered by many to be the best cruising region in the Great Lakes (for a map of this area, go to With great scenery, many islands, excellent anchorages, and generally more protected waters than the eastern sections of Georgian Bay, it certainly has …


Lake Huron, Part I – Georgian Bay (Midland to Killarney)

During the first few days of our Georgian Bay experience we were joined by John’s sister Sue and brother-in-law Ted, as well as by John and Marsha Belford aboard their vessel Kadadi. John and Marsha have had many years of experience cruising this area, and introduced us to excellent anchorages that we likely wouldn’t have …